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Our Governance 

  • Towards a European Financial Data Space (WP1)
    IRP6 - Collaborative learning across data silos IRP8 - Detecting anomalies and dependence structures in high dimensional, high frequency financial data IRP13 - Predicting financial trends using text mining and NLP IRP15 - Deep Generation of Financial Time Series Work Package 1 Page
  • Artificial Intelligence for Financial Markets (WP2)
    IRP12 - Developing industry-ready automated trading systems to conduct EcoFin analysis using deep learning algorithms IRP14 - Challenges and opportunities for the uptaking of technological development by industry Work Package 2 Page
  • Towards explainable and fair AI-generated decisions (WP3)
    IRP1 - Strengthening European financial service providers through applicable reinforcement learning IRP9 - Audience-dependent explanations IRP16 - Investigating the utility of classical XAI methods in financial time series IRP17 - Fair Algorithmic Design and Portfolio Optimization under Sustainability Concerns Work Package 3 Page
  • Driving digital innovations with Blockchain applications (WP4)
    IRP3 - Machine learning for digital finance IRP5 - Fraud detection in financial networks IRP7 - Risk index for cryptos Work Package 4 Page
  • Sustainability of Digital Finance (WP5)
    IRP2 - Modelling green credit scores for a network of retail and business clients IRP4 - A recommender system to re-orient investments towards more sustainable technologies and businesses IRP10 - Experimenting with Green AI to reduce processing time and contributes to creating a low-carbon economy IRP11 - Applications of Agent-based Models (ABM) to analyse finance growth in a sustainable manner over a long-term period Work Package 5 Page

Project Coordination

Doctoral Training  (WP6)

WP 6 is led by the University of Twente (UTW) and supported by all partners. The work is divided into the following tasks:

  • Technical coordination. UTW is responsible for collecting, storing and enabling access to all the preliminary, intermediate and final outputs of the related IRPs, including papers, reports, scripts, datasets, slides, etc.

  • Coordination of doctoral training that will be organised by the network partners.

  • Collect research content from WP 1 - 5 for doctoral training courses

  • Approve the content of newly generated training material

  • Build a new European Doctoral Programme in Digital Finance

Dissemination, Outreach and Exploitation (WP7)

WP 7 is led by the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and supported by all partners. The work is divided into the following tasks:

  • Establish the dissemination team (one representative per partner).

  • Establish an online communication infrastructure within DIGITAL for the main network communication.

  • Define a dissemination and exploitation strategy, which will detail the communication protocols, intervals and channels.

  • Launch of the external communication channels of DIGITAL (e.g. website, social media channels and GitHub repository).

  • Maintain a database that records the progress and impact of the network in all its aspects

  • Ensure exploitation to a large number of industry partners, including banks, Fintechs, technology and software providers, consulting companies, companies from other industries

  • Support the research WPs to deploy use cases and prototypes and enhance exploitation and 2 spin-offs

Project Management (WP8)

Work Package 8 is led by University of Twente (UTW) and supported by all partners. The work is divided into the following tasks:

  • Establishment and management of the relationships of the DIGITAL Network (all, UTW).

  • Establishment and management of the relationships of the DIGITAL Advisory Board (UTW).

  • Technical coordination (UTW). Monitor the content and progress of each work package and coordinate the cooperation

  • Financial coordination (UTW). Monitor how the financial resources are employed, to ensure effectiveness of the project

  • Communication (UTW). Maintain internal communications within the consortium, with external parties and the EC


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Horizon Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 101119635

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