BabeÈ™-Bolyai University (UBB)
Our Team
Cooperation between BabeÈ™-Bolyai University (Romania), the University of Twente (Netherlands) and Bern Business School (Switzerland)

Joerg Osterrieder
Prof. Dr.
Bern Business School, Switzerland
University of Twente, Netherlands

Codruta Mare
Prof. Dr.
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Description of the Research Project
Background: The ongoing programme for strengthening and supporting research excellence at the BabeÈ™-Bolyai University (UBB) is further developed through the “STAR-UBB Academic Research Network of Excellence (STAR-UBB-N)” project, based on the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM+) model implemented at an institutional level and coordinated by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology – STAR-UBB – (STAR – Scientific and Technological Advanced Research). STAR-UBB-N comprises six academic science centres (centres coordinating and connecting the RDI activities in faculty RDI laboratories/units, anchored in the UBB strategic infrastructure), under the coordination of the STAR-UBB Institute. The academic science centres established according to the project are: 1. Virtual Labs Centre, affiliated to the Academic School of Natural and Life Sciences; 2. Virtual & Practical Engineering Centre, affiliated to the Academic School of Engineering and Technology; 3. eHealth/tHealth Centre, affiliated to the Academic School of Health; 4. Big Data & Machine Learning Centre, affiliated to the Academic School of Social Sciences; 5. Digital Arts & Humanities Centre, affiliated to the Academic School of Humanities and Arts; 6. Ethics & Sacred Music Centre, affiliated to the Academic School of Theology. The themes of the centres were specifically selected to reflect: (1) European priorities; (2) multi-/inter-/trans-disciplinary approaches; (3) 21st century professional and scientific human resource development requirements; (4) strategic competitive strengths/advantages of UBB. The project thus aims to reinforce and coordinate the UBB multi-level and interlinked strategic academic/scientific infrastructure, the UBB Academic Schools and the STAR-UBB Institute. The scope of the project, in line with the inter-, multi- and trans-disciplinary UBB profile, covers new and emerging technologies, while the specific technologies advanced by the present project fall under the umbrella defined by UBB through its InfoBioNano4Health smart specialisation project. By establishing the STAR-UBB-N network, the multi-/inter-/trans-disciplinary development in the academic culture of UBB is thereby fostered, with a positive impact on the RDI activities and the academic competitiveness of UBB.
The implementation of the project within the International Advanced Fellowship Programme at UBB requires each recipient to:
organise under the aegis of the STAR-UBB-N network at least one (online/on-site) conference/ scientific dissemination/ scientific seminar/ workshop/ lecture on topics relevant to new and emerging technologies in the InfoBioNano4Health paradigm, in order to contribute to the development directions of the six academic science centres within STAR-UBB-N;
write and submit for publication at least one scientific paper in collaboration with an academic/researcher from STAR-UBB-N, on multi- and trans-disciplinary scientific research topics of relevance to the network/ UBB Academic Science Schools/ STAR-UBB Institute, in WoS/Scopus/ERIH+ indexed journals/proceedings.
ensure that any publication/output produced (including conferences/scientific disseminations/scientific seminars/workshops/lectures) and reported as a result of the activities funded by the International Advanced Fellowship-UBB programme will mention the name of the funder (BabeÈ™-Bolyai University) and the funding contract details (nr.21PFE/ 30.12.2021, ID: PFE-550-UBB)
submit at the end of the month covered by the fellowship grant an activity report indicating the status of the project output/implementation, endorsed by the UBB scientific coordinator;
Output and Results
Scientific Publications

Enhancing security in blockchain networks: Anomalies, frauds, and advanced detection techniques
Osterrieder, J., Chan, S., Chu, J., Zhang, Y., Hadji Misheva, B., & Mare, C. (2024). Enhancing security in blockchain networks: Anomalies, frauds, and advanced detection techniques. Financial Innovation. Manuscript under review.
Blockchain technology, a foundational distributed ledger system, enables secure and transparent multi-party transactions. Despite its advantages, blockchain networks are susceptible to anomalies and frauds, posing significant risks to their integrity and security. This paper offers a detailed examination of blockchain's key definitions and properties, alongside a thorough analysis of the various anomalies and frauds that undermine these networks. It describes an array of detection and prevention strategies, encompassing statistical and machine learning methods, game-theoretic solutions, digital forensics, reputation-based systems, and comprehensive risk assessment techniques. Through case studies, we explore practical applications of anomaly and fraud detection in blockchain networks, extracting valuable insights and implications for both current practice and future research. Moreover, we spotlight emerging trends and challenges within the field, proposing directions for future investigation and technological development. Aimed at both practitioners and researchers, this paper seeks to provide a technical, in-depth overview of anomaly and fraud detection within blockchain networks, marking a significant step forward in the search for enhanced network security and reliability.
Academic Events
The team has received invitations to numerous international conferences, serving roles as keynote speakers, session chairs, or even organizing the events themselves.

International Workshop on Digital Finance
Endava - UBB
Cluj-Napoca, Romana, April 22, 2024, Workshop on Digital Finance
COST Action CA19130 Fintech and AI in Finance
MSCA Industrial Doctoral Network on Digital Finance
Prof. Dr. Codruta Mare
Prof. Dr. Joerg Osterrieder
120 researchers from the AI Community from Endava
Current topics and challenges in Digital Finance

Digital Finance
We are excited to announce the start of the new project MSCA DN Industrial Doctoral Networks DIGITAL, an industrial doctoral network established within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions which aims at training highly skilled doctoral candidates in Digital Finance. The project will be conducted within the Babes-Bolyai University, Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration, under the supervision of Professor Codruta Mare, who is the leader of WP1 "Towards a European Data Space" and Co-leader for Diversity. The period of the project is 1.01.2024-31.12.2027 and its budget is EUR 4,473,972. UBB has 1 PhD position in Predicting financial trends using text mining and NLP
Any details are provided through the link:
Department of Mathematics, American University of Sharjah, UAE
Prof. Dr. Stephen Chan
- In-depth constructive exchanges on approaches, methods, or results
- Publications
- Exchange of personnel
Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Yuanyuan Zhang
- In-depth constructive exchanges on approaches, methods, or results
- Publications
Department of Mathematics, Renmin University, China
Prof. Dr. Stephen Chan
- In-depth constructive exchanges on approaches, methods, or results
- Publications
Department of Statistics, BabeÈ™-Bolyai University, Romania
Prof. Dr. Codruța Mare
- In-depth constructive exchanges on approaches, methods, or results
- Publications
- Exchange of personnel
Department of Business, Bern Business School, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Branka Hadji Misheva
- In-depth constructive exchanges on approaches, methods, or results
- Publications
- Exchange of personnel
COST Action CA19130 Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance
Action Chair: Joerg Osterrieder
- In-depth constructive exchanges on approaches, methods, or results
- Publications
- Exchange of personnel
MSCA Industrial Doctoral Network on Digital Finance
Coordinator: Joerg Osterrieder
- In-depth constructive exchanges on approaches, methods, or results
- Publications
- Exchange of personnel
Third-Party Funds
The team will apply to several large international research projects related to the outcome of the project.
Follow-up projects
MSCA Industrial Doctoral Network on Digital Finance, 2024 - 2027
COST Action CA19130 Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance, 2024
Ongoing cooperation on various publications