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Our Diversity

DIGITAL will represent EU values of sex and gender equality and diversity, believing that research and innovation must recognize and integrate these issues for societal relevance and quality, following the EU policy report on Gendered Innovations. Sex and gender will be incorporated into its research design. DIGITAL's strategy will be: ​​

Diversity in Governance

The executive and supervisory board will include a diversity coordinator and be balanced in all relevant diversity aspects (e.g. ethnicity, race, gender)

Diversity in Access

Equal access to the research and training network for all. DIGITAL will provide an inclusive doctoral networks without social categorization

Diversity in Data

Gender and diversity-sensitive development and implementation of data collection methods.

Diversity in


Systematic integration of an (intersectional) gender-perspective as cross-cutting issues of all research and innovation activities.

Gender Equality Plans (GEP)


All partners of the MSCA DIGITAL network have committed to promoting gender equality by taking an active stance towards equality. The approach taken by each partner can be viewed in their respective Gender Equality Plan.

University of Twente

The University of Twente (UT) strives to be the ultimate People-first University of Technology.

WU Vienna

At WU, the advancement of equal treatment and social equality is seen as everyone’s responsibility, most especially those in management positions.

University of Naples

For some years now, the Federico II University (UNINA) has integrated the gender dimension into practices, actions, documents and policies, by activating the Gender Responsive Budgeting cycle (GB).

Bucharest University of Economic Studies

We propose the establishment of a committee for gender equality, equity, diversity and inclusion to implement the specific activities within ASE Bucharest and to ensure the careful, coherent and correct implementation of this plan

Babes-Bolyai University

Gender equality is one of the fundamental values fostered and safeguarded at BabeÈ™-Bolyai University with the aim of ensuring that all members of the academic community, regardless of sex or gender identity, enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations.

Kaunas University of Technology

The main goal for Sustainability of Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is to maintain those Activities for Gender Equality that reached the highest level of awareness and interest of participants.

Cardo AI

Cardo AI is dedicated to fostering an environment where gender equality is embedded in our culture, principles and business strategy.

Associated institution

In addition to the Gender Equality Plans of the partners, we list for each associated institution their stance on inclusion, equality and diversity.

Raiffeisen Bank Internation AG

We appreciate this diversity, and we aim to be an inclusive workplace that offers an environment and working conditions that are equally attractive to all employees and that benefit them equally.​


Gender equality, diversity and inclusion are at the core of how Swedbank fosters its organisational development. All our governing and decision bodies are based on gender equality as a standard. 

European Central Bank

At the ECB, we believe diversity creates excellence – more diverse teams mean a wider range of opinions, leading to better and more robust results.

Bern Business School

Bern University of Applied Sciences promotes genuine equal opportunities for women and men. It is committed to diversity and promotes equal opportunities for all employees and students.

ARC Greece

ATHENA RC following international, community and internal standards, commits to the promotion of equality of opportunities between women and men in its principles and priorities.

EIT Digital

Increasing the visibility of women in innovation is key to powering more women in entrepreneurship. This is about equality and social inclusion, and it is also about a good economic sense.

Fraunhofer Institute

Promoting equal participation and development for women and men at all hierarchical levels is an integral part of our strategy and an important company objective.

Diversity during Hiring

Balanced Selection Committee

The selection committee will be balanced with respect to diversity aspects, taking into account gender balance, diverse sector, regional and skills composition.

Actively Promote Positions

Recruitment will promote job advertisement through diverse channels, and in particular target women-in-science groups.

Collect Diversity Metrics

Through diversity reporting with respect to the applicants, PhD students and researchers involved the Diversity Team can insure diversity in the collective hiring process

The Data

Gender Diversity per Workpackage (1).png
Gender Diversity per Committee (1).png

The Diversity Team

The MSCA Digital Finance Doctoral network is firmly committed to achieving its diversity goals. To help achieve this objective, a diversity team has been established. We firmly believe that diversity is a key driver success, and we are fully committed to fostering an inclusive environment that welcomes values individuals from all backgrounds.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Horizon Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 101119635

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