Alfonso Iodice D’Enza - Associate Professor in Statistics at UNINA. His research interest refers to mainly, but not exclusively, unsupervised learning methods for categorical and mixed-type data. More specifically, his research work is on dimension reduction and clustering: he proposed incremental implementations of dimension reduction methods for the analysis of data flows, and suitable for matrix completion purposes; a further branch of his research activity is on joint methods for data reduction. As the approaches to dimension reduction and clustering are distance-based, a further branch is on the definition/selection of suitable distance measures for non-continuous data with application to spectral clustering and to k-nearest neighbours. He developed software libraries that implement both the methods he proposed and the related ones. He has been Adjunct Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain; he has been visiting scholar at the Stanford Univeristy, Palo Alto CA, USA, at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and at the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. He is, together with Angelos Markos, coordinator of the Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods group and a member of the Center for Multi-dimensional Data Visualization of the Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He is a regular coordinating editor for the Behaviormetrika journal. His research activity produced several publications in international journals, among them are Nature Reviews Methods Primers, Psychometrika, Journal of Statistical Software, Statistics and Computing, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.
Key Achievements and Outputs
Research Interests