Royalton Partners
General Description
Investment Management Company under Luxembourg AIF, Alternative Investment Fund Manager providing portfolio and risk management for third-party clients pursuing real estate, private equity, infrastructure, listed equities, fixed income and fund of funds strategies as well as debt funds within relevant asset classes. Royalton Partner’s management team has been investing together since 1990 and is focused on the management of illiquid assets held in closed and open-ended fund structures, including private equity, real estate, infrastructure, fund of funds and debt.
Dr. Michael Althof (30%), Head of ET(AI)F Portfolio Management and Capital Markets, PhD. Role: Contribution to applied research, industry and transferable skills training. Supervision of ESRs 7, 12.
How we contribute to the MSCA:
Contribute data on cryptos and expertise in portfolio and risk management, compliance and regulatory reporting, hosting ESRs, Transferable Skills Training, Research;